Relationship Advice

The challenges of marriage

Dr. Doug and Radio host Michael Dresser discuss the challenges of marriage. Our different mindsets and expectations create conflicts in marriages regarding finances, love-making, and even raising children.

The Miracle of Listening with an Open Heart

When we hear from our spouses the painful episodes of their childhoods we often feel angry with the parent or caretaker who hurt them. Our love for our partners makes us wish we could have protected them from the pain they suffered. In loving our spouses and siding...

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

The Love Quiz

The Love Quiz
Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

Contact Dr. Doug