
Photini, the Woman at the Well

Alone you carry your water jar to Jacob’s well No neighbor comes at noon in desert heat What deters you from joining other women? Fetching water you meet a dusty thirsty rabbi Parched with no vessel he says “Give me a drink,” You question how a rabbi could ask you for...

Fired —Tom’s Story

 What a pain in the ass. Steve, my boss, gave me ten-thousand dollars before he took a leave from the company he owned.  He told me he wanted me to make good use of the money. He was gone for three years. I was scared I’d lose his money, so I put it in a safe.  When...

How Do You Lead as a Blamer?

I feel sad when I listen to politicians who want to lead our nation resort to the blame game. The blame game takes two forms: we blame others for what we think, feel, say, or do in the “blame-others” mode. Or, we blame ourselves for what others think, feel, say or do...

How to Change Immediately

Something exists in many of us that desperately needs to be right and finds it difficult to admit making a mistake or being wrong. When something goes wrong we immediately look for someone to blame. We abhor being blamed ourselves. I have seen this in myself. It has...

My Father Neglected Me!

Kristen came to therapy for help with bouts of depression, especially when she had gained a few pounds.  During counseling she said that her father left her mother when Kristen was one and a half.  He left his wife to marry another woman with whom he started a second...

Is There a Beam in Your Eye?

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged...” (Matthew 7:1-2) Kelly had a problem trusting her mother, Belle. Growing up she felt like her mother manipulated the truth. When her mother was dishonest she felt queasy in her...

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

The Love Quiz

The Love Quiz
Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

Contact Dr. Doug