You and I

I ran the well-worn path beside the pond

Gazed into the infinite azure sky

You lifted me in mid-stride off my feet

I soared upward weightless in Your grasp

Ascended sunlit shafts between the clouds

Astonished, I gazed into Your welcoming face

Beheld infinite tenderness in Your eyes

My heart leapt when You softly smiled

I felt peace beyond my comprehension

Boldly I reached my arms toward You

Gently You took my calloused hands in Yours

You filled my body with Your golden light

Melted away fear-filled walls around my heart

Thrust Your love into my hardened soul

I felt such wholeness, such peace I cried aloud

Shed tears of gratitude, of complete surrender

I soared with eagles and glided on their wings

You spread me throughout the boundless heaven

Everywhere I looked I found perfection

I dropped my gaze to see the world below

Witnessed people striving to possess and to rule

Broken bodies with bloody heads, arms, and legs

Thievery, rape, murder, drinking, drugging

Encountered hearts filled with fear, anger, desperation

Souls aching to love and be loved

Yet all was just as it was meant to be

You opened my heart to look, then look again

Develop empathy for those who own their shame

I saw sinners and their deeds through new eyes

My heart swelled to bear waves of pain

Could not judge mankind from where I stood

I saw Your face in them and then my own

Showing me my brokenness through others

Mistaken, stumbling, lacking, yet striving

Rising renewed following each fall

You gave me courage to follow my heart

Boldness to learn from my mistakes

Approved of me despite my imperfections

Lifted my guilt and shame for every flaw

Awakened me to heal all through Your help

You awoke me from unseen ignorance

Freed me from my judgments and my pride

Compassion filled my heart for those I saw

While I held them like myself accountable

Understanding and forgiveness dissolved pain

Mine to share Your grace, Your understanding

Your forgiveness and Your gift of rebirth


Awaken me, guide me, send me, use me

You are in my heart and in my soul

I am Yours and You are mine



© Doug Welpton, M.D.

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

The Love Quiz

The Love Quiz
Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

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