Relationship Advice


The Blame Game I've Played I blame you for hurting me I'm a victim I feel sorry for myself People pity me I relish their sympathy I feel they're on my side But..I feel helpless I’ve surrendered my power Given you the control Only you can change our relationship I'm...

We Have to Talk

 “We have to talk,” she says, I hear: “You need to listen to me,” She has no problem talking, I have a problem listening, I’m used to sounding off, I relish sharing my thoughts, Listening is a challenge, To open my ears and especially my heart, To accept...

Do You Live in Heaven or Hell?

I believe in Heaven and Hell, Not in the After-life, Right Now! Life is what we make it: When I live in anxiety or depression I'm in Hell, I let fear and anger control me, Guilt and shame belittle me, When I'm joyful and loving I'm in Heaven, I'm peaceful and playful...

Are You Perfect?

I’m a shining bell My perfection protects me Nothing can penetrate My inside is pitch black My shell gets cracked Brokenness opens me I’m no longer perfect Light enters the crack I become enlightened My heart swells My ears open I see with new eyes My mind expands My...

Attract Love, Intimacy & Money

Introduction to 'Attract Love, Intimacy & Money' I have written this book to help you create what you long for in your life and your relationships. Through decades of study and experience I have developed an awareness and knowledge of principles that can enable...

Happiness is a Choice, Just Ask Marcie & Titus

Marcie Monkey hadn't been happy for months, She and her husband, Titus Turtle, sought help, Together they consulted Ollie Owl, the respected healer, “How can I help you?” Ollie asked “I can’t make Marcie happy,” Titus’s eyes moistened “Nothing I do cheers her up.”...

Crucify Him!

His manner gentle His eyes tender His smile approving His heart forgiving His acceptance unbounded His healing miraculous His caring unfathomable He is humble   We are prideful Our hearts are hardened We pass judgment We feel superior We exclude others We crave...

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

The Love Quiz

The Love Quiz
Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

Contact Dr. Doug