Is Money the root of all evil?

Ernestine Hendricks, host on WTWG, 1050 AM, and I discuss the beliefs that keep us from creating wealth like our feeling that pursuing money is bad and means we are greedy or dishonest. Money is a form of energy and we earn it through expending physical or mental energy in creating products or doing work that others want. Only when we have saved money can we be financially helpful to others. If we have saved nothing we become dependent on others instead of being helpful to them.
We have mistaken beliefs like money is the root of all evil that interfere with our comfort pursuing wealth. It is not money itself but “the love of money” that can create problems by making money into God in the expression of greed or avarice. Anything that comes between us and God creates evil, but learning how to earn money and have wealth can be used for our own growth and to help others. Addictions to alcohol/drugs, sex, food, gambling, shopping, etc. are expressions of greed and place the object of our addiction ahead of our relationship to God.
Besides our own mistaken mindsets the unintended consequences of political legislation interfere with citizens finding jobs to earn money. While minimum wage legislation appears to support workers with the wages they are earning, it keeps employers who cannot afford those wages from hiring employees. Usually it is the beginning worker, often black youths, who do not get hired for jobs as a consequence of the minimum wage. Minimum wage legislation had its origins in the Davis Bacon Act of 1931 which was used to keep black laborers in the construction unions from getting jobs on government projects. The act prohibited black workers from accepting lower wages than their white counterparts and consequently kept them from being employed.

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

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Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

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