
Your Powerful Self-image

You cannot do anything That contradicts your self-image, Henry Ford observed: “If you think you can, you can If you think you can’t, you can’t Either way you’re right.” Be bold: do what you would do If you knew you could not fail. @Dr. Doug...

Fired —Tom’s Story

 What a pain in the ass. Steve, my boss, gave me ten-thousand dollars before he took a leave from the company he owned.  He told me he wanted me to make good use of the money. He was gone for three years. I was scared I’d lose his money, so I put it in a safe.  When...

Abundance and Jobs

Tom had a look of despair; there was no life in his eyes.   He appeared at my office. His beard was unkempt and his unruly brown hair hung down to his shoulders.  His friend Mike had counseled with me and told Tom to see me. I motioned toward the blue sofa.  “Make...

Who do You Follow: Karl Marx or Jesus Christ?

Ben Franklin taught us that “the early bird gets the worm” to motivate us to rise early in the day to be productive. Some people have misunderstood Franklin’s maxim as threatening scarcity. They misinterpret “the worm” to mean there is only one worm, and that only the...

Download Dr. Welpton's Audio Collection

Download Dr. Welpton’s Audio Collection

CD1: Financial Infidelity & Money
CD2: Is my Partner the Right Person for Me?
CD3: To Stay or Not to Stay: Considerations before Divorcing
CD4: Stop Arguing for the Sake of Your Relationship

The Love Quiz

The Love Quiz
Doug Welpton, MD - Advice in Love Relationships

Contact Dr. Doug